Motivational & Developing Artistry for the Intermediate Student
Dr. Pamela Pike, guest presenter
"Although most students begin piano lessons with exuberance, it can be difficult for many to maintain motivation to practice and work on challenging skills as time goes on and as music becomes more challenging. In the session, Pike explores key factors in motivation theory and looks at specific things that teachers can do during the lesson to increase student motivation throughout the learning process. This workshop features tips and tools for developing and maintaining students' intrinsic motivation for music study."
Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting!
Meeting Place:
Westlake Porter Library OR Zoom (check email for info)
Arrive at 9:15 am to meet & greet old & new members ... business meeting at 9:30... topics begin at 10:00 am
Non-Members are allowed to attend presentations for $10 that will be deducted from membership fees if you decide to join CPTO!