Connect and Engage "Professional Resources for the Independent Music Teacher"
Amy Chaplin, Piano Pantry, guest presenter
Just ten to fifteen years ago, you could almost count on one hand the number of blogs, podcasts, and other resources for independent teachers. As the online world has continued to grow exponentially, so has the availability of these resources. This session will pull together a concise overview of more than 80 resources, focusing on the best of what's out there: resources that anyone in this profession should be aware of. A bird's-eye view, it will include professional associations and certifications, conferences (both in-person and virtual), magazines, student festivals and examinations, blogs and membership communities, e-commerce sites, private coaching, courses and webinars, Facebook groups and forums, podcasts, and YouTube channels. Interweaved into this snapshot, we will consider best practices for consuming, saving and utilizing information in a useful and meaningful way without getting overwhelmed. While this session is one every young professional should see, even seasoned teachers will glean fresh resources and professional management tips.
Amy Chaplin is a pianist, teacher, speaker, blogger, and podcaster. She shares her passions for piano teaching, business-related management solutions, and living the independent music teacher life, at and on The Piano Pantry Podcast. She teaches around 25 students of all ages in her independent studio, located in Northeast Indiana. Amy has a Master’s in Piano Pedagogy and Performance from Ball State University and a Bachelor’s in Music Education, Choral K-12, from Huntington University, and a certification in Music Learning Theory from the Gordon Institute for Music Learning. An active member of Music Teachers National Association, Amy has served in multiple leadership roles at the state, and local levels including President of Indiana Music Teacher’s Association, VP of Membership, Website Editor, AIM Development and is now serving as a trustee of the association.
Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting!
Meeting Place:
Westlake Porter Library OR Zoom (Check e-mail for info) Arrive at 9:15 am to meet & greet old & new members ... business meeting at 9:30... topics begin at 10:00 am
Non-Members are allowed to attend presentations for $10 that will be deducted from membership fees if you decide to join CPTO!